Materia es exactamente
Serres, Dominic
TO Sr" George Pocock KNIGHT of the BATH and Admiral of the Blue Squadron of His Majesty's Fleet, on the EXPEDITION against the Havannah in 1762, This PERSPECTIVE VIEW of the Harbour, with the LAND to the West, the MORO CASTLE to the EASTWARD, and the FLEET entring the Harbour to take POSSESION on Augst" 16 Lead BY The Honble,, Aug.S Kepple in His MAJESTY'S Ship Valiant, Is most humbly INSCRIBED by his devoted humble Serv.t Philip Orsbridge.
Imagen de la toma de La Habana por los ingleses. Se observa al Valiant de 70 cañones enfilando el canal, al fondo la ciudad rendida aparece iluminada por un sol que atraviesa densos nubarrones, y las banderas inglesas ondean visiblemente. -
TO Sr" George Pocock KNIGHT of the BATH and Admiral of the Blue Squadron of His Majesty's Fleet, on the EXPEDITION against the Havannah in 1762, This PERSPECTIVE VIEW of the Harbour, with the LAND to the West, the MORO CASTLE to the EASTWARD, and the FLEET entring the Harbour to take POSSESION on Augst" 16 Lead BY The Honble,, Aug.S Kepple in His MAJESTY'S Ship Valiant, Is most humbly INSCRIBED by his devoted humble Serv.t Philip Orsbridge.
Imagen de la toma de La Habana por los ingleses. Se observa al Valiant de 70 cañones enfilando el canal, al fondo la ciudad rendida aparece iluminada por un sol que atraviesa densos nubarrones, y las banderas inglesas ondean visiblemente. -
[To] Geo"Aug"tus Elliot Esq"r Majr. Gen', of His Majesty's Army, Colonel of Light Horsel and second in command, on the Glorious Expedition againft the Havannah, in the year 1762; [THIS] PERSPECTIVE VIEW of His Majesty's LAND FORCES going in Flat Boats to take POSSESSION OF THE NORTH GATE of the CITY and PUNTO CASTLE, on the 14 of August, ALSO two sloops of WAR, afsisting to open the BOOMS: Is most humbly Inscribed. By his devoted humble Servant, Philip Orsbridge. [Drawn at the spot design'd] and publish'd as the Act directs
Imagen de la toma de La Habana por los ingleses. Evoca la rendición de la plaza, se observa la bandera inglesa ondeando en el Morro, la torre de la farola medio derruida, se divisa la arboladura de tres navíos hundidos. Las murallas y los techos del Castillo de la Punta muestran los efectos de las balas de cañones ingleses. -
To Geo"Aug"tus Elliot Esq"r Majr. Gen', of His Majesty's Army, Colonel of Light Horsel and second in command, on the Glorious Expedition againft the Havannah, in the year 1762; THIS PERSPECTIVE VIEW of His Majesty's LAND FORCES going in Flat Boats to take POSSESSION OF THE NORTH GATE of the CITY and PUNTO CASTLE, on the 14 of August, ALSO two sloops of WAR, afsisting to open the BOOMS: Is most humbly Inscribed. By his devoted humble Servant, Philip Orsbridge. Drawn at the spot design'd and publish'd as the Act directs
Imagen de la toma de La Habana por los ingleses. Evoca la rendición de la plaza, se observa la bandera inglesa ondeando en el Morro, la torre de la farola medio derruida, se divisa la arboladura de tres navíos hundidos. Las murallas y los techos del Castillo de la Punta muestran los efectos de las balas de cañones ingleses. -
To Geo"Aug"tus Elliot Esq"r Majr. Gen', of His Majesty's Army, Colonel of Light Horsel and second in command, on the Glorious Expedition againft the Havannah, in the year 17[62;] THIS PERSPECTIVE VIEW of His Majesty's LAND FORCES going in Flat Boats to take POSSESSION OF THE NORTH GATE of the CITY and PUNTO CASTLE, on the 14 of August, ALSO two sloops of WAR, afsisting to open the BOOMS: Is most humbly Inscribed. By his devoted humble Servant, Philip Orsbridge. Drawn at the spot design'd and publish'd as the Act directs
Imagen de la toma de La Habana por los ingleses. Evoca la rendición de la plaza, se observa la bandera inglesa ondeando en el Morro, la torre de la farola medio derruida, se divisa la arboladura de tres navíos hundidos. Las murallas y los techos del Castillo de la Punta muestran los efectos de las balas de cañones ingleses. -
To the RT.HONBLE George Keppel, Earl of Albemarle &.c&.c, Comander in Chief of all His Majesty’s Land Forces at the Attacks and Reduction of the HAVANNAH, This Perspective View, of the Grand Attack of that CITY and PUNTO CASTLE BETWEEN the Hours of 5 and 10 in the Morning of Augt. 13,,1762. when a Flag of Truce Was boifted on the Governor's Fort, & on Board the Spanish Admiral. Is Inscribed by His Devoted & moft Humble" Servant P,,Orsbridge. Drawn on ey Spot Design'd & Publd" as the Act directs. Spanh.Ships inHarbr. El Tigro...70 Guns El Conquestador 60 El Aquilon...70 El Regna...70 Ditto funk El Asia...64 El Neptune...70 El Europa...60
Imagen de la toma de La Habana por los ingleses. Se observan embarcaciones de vela, botes, proyectiles y el asalto al Morro. Vista del canal del puerto, tomada idealmente desde el centro de la bahía, en ella se puede apreciar tres navíos que los españoles hundieron para tratar infructuosamente de bloquear la entrada. El dibujo traza la trayectoria de las bombas que desde la Cabaña llovían sobre la atribulada ciudad. Se ve el humo de las espoletas encendidas y a varias casas presas de las llamas. -
To the RT.HONBLE George Keppel, Earl of Albemarle &.c&.c, Comander in Chief of all His Majesty’s Land Forces at the Attacks and Reduction of the HAVANNAH, This Perspective View, of the Grand Attack of that CITY and PUNTO CASTLE BETWEEN the Hours of 5 and 10 in the Morning of Augt. 13,,1762. when a Flag of Truce Was boifted on the Governor's Fort, & on Board the Spanish Admiral. Is Inscribed by His Devoted & moft Humble" Servant P,,Orsbridge. Drawn on ey Spot Design'd & Publd" as the Act directs. Spanh. Ships inHarbr. El Tigro...70 Guns El Conquestador 60 El Aquilon...70 El Regna...70 Ditto funk El Asia...64 El Neptune...70 El Europa...60
Imagen de la toma de La Habana por los ingleses. Se observan embarcaciones de vela, botes, proyectiles y el asalto al Morro. Vista del canal del puerto, tomada idealmente desde el centro de la bahía, en ella se puede apreciar tres navíos que los españoles hundieron para tratar infructuosamente de bloquear la entrada. El dibujo traza la trayectoria de las bombas que desde la Cabaña llovían sobre la atribulada ciudad. Se ve el humo de las espoletas encendidas y a varias casas presas de las llamas. -
To the Honble" Willm" Keppel, Colonel of HIS Majesty's 56th" Regiment of Foot, and MAJOR GENL. ON THE Expedition under the Command of the Right Honble" the Earl of Albemarle, "this PERSPECTIVE VIEW of Entring THE BREACH of the MORO CASTLE, BY STORM the 30th" of JULY 1762, between the Hours of 1 and 2 in the AFTERNOON, ALFO a View of HIS Majesty's Ship Alcide, & a Number of Flat Boats mann'd & arm'd; Is most humbly Infcribed by his most devoted humble servant, Philip Orsbridge. Drawn on the Spot design'd and publd. as the Act directs.
Imagen de la toma de La Habana por los ingleses. Se observan embarcaciones de vela, botes, proyectiles y el asalto al Morro. Se observa la explosión de una mina bajo el ángulo norte del Castillo. -
[To the Honble"] Willm" Keppel, Colonel of HIS Majesty's 56th" Regiment of Foot, and MAJOR GENL. ON THE Expedition under the Command of the Right Honble" the Earl of Albemarle, "this PERSPECTIVE VIEW of Entring THE BREACH of the MORO CASTLE, BY STORM the 30th" of JULY 1762, between the Hours of 1 and 2 in the AFTERNOON, ALFO a View of HIS Majesty's Ship Alcide, & a Number of Flat Boats mann'd & arm'd; Is most humbly Infcribed by his most devoted humble servant, Philip Orsbridge. Drawn on the Spot design'd and publd. as the Act directs.
Imagen de la toma de La Habana por los ingleses. Se observan embarcaciones de vela, botes, proyectiles y el asalto al Morro. Se observa la explosión de una mina bajo el ángulo norte del Castillo. -
To the Hon.ble Augustus John Hervey, CAPTAIN in His Majesty's NAVY, COL.L of Marines, & one of the GENTLEMEN of His Majesthy's Bed CHamber; This Perspective View of His Majesty's Ship Dragon Commanded by Him, Cambridge Wm" Gooftrey Esq. & Marlborough Thos" Burnett Efq. Attacking ye Moro July 1, 1762. Alfo shewing the Distance the SterlingCaftle Capt" Campbell (Who was appointed to lead the Van of his Squadren) Was during the Attack, likewife Shewing The Land Attack; Is moft humbly Inscribed by His devoted humble servant. P,,O,,R"Sbridge
Imagen de la toma de La Habana por los ingleses. Se observan embarcaciones de vela, botes, proyectiles y la toma del Morro por mar y tierra. -
To the Hon.ble Augustus John Hervey, CAPTAIN in His Majesty's NAVY, COL.L of Marines, & one of the GENTLEMEN of His Majesthy's Bed CHamber; This Perspective View of His Majesty's Ship Dragon Commanded by Him, Cambridge Wm" Gooftrey Esq. & Marlborough Thos" Burnett Efq. Attacking ye Moro July 1, 1762. Alfo shewing the Distance the SterlingCaftle Capt" Campbell (Who was appointed to lead the Van of his Squadren) Was during the Attack, likewife Shewing The Land Attack; Is moft humbly Inscribed by His devoted humble servant. P,,O,,R"Sbridge
Imagen de la toma de La Habana por los ingleses. Se observan embarcaciones de vela, botes, proyectiles y la toma del Morro por mar y tierra.