TO Sr" George Pocock KNIGHT of the BATH and Admiral of the Blue Squadron of His Majesty's Fleet, on the EXPEDITION against the Havannah in 1762, This PERSPECTIVE VIEW of the Harbour, with the LAND to the West, the MORO CASTLE to the EASTWARD, and the FLEET entring the Harbour to take POSSESION on Augst" 16 Lead BY The Honble,, Aug.S Kepple in His MAJESTY'S Ship Valiant, Is most humbly INSCRIBED by his devoted humble Serv.t Philip Orsbridge.
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TO Sr" George Pocock KNIGHT of the BATH and Admiral of the Blue Squadron of His Majesty's Fleet, on the EXPEDITION against the Havannah in 1762, This PERSPECTIVE VIEW of the Harbour, with the LAND to the West, the MORO CASTLE to the EASTWARD, and the FLEET entring the Harbour to take POSSESION on Augst" 16 Lead BY The Honble,, Aug.S Kepple in His MAJESTY'S Ship Valiant, Is most humbly INSCRIBED by his devoted humble Serv.t Philip Orsbridge.
Imagen de la toma de La Habana por los ingleses. Se observa al Valiant de 70 cañones enfilando el canal, al fondo la ciudad rendida aparece iluminada por un sol que atraviesa densos nubarrones, y las banderas inglesas ondean visiblemente.
Plancha 12. El 12 de abril de 1764 se anunció en Londres la salida de la primera colección, completada con una última entrega, el 21 de mayo de 1765. Se asume que la colección nuestra mayormente es de 1765.
Serres, Dominic
La Habana, Cuba
Grabado en metal, iluminado
Serres, Dominic
Canot, Pierre Charles
Planero 1B
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