To the Honble" Willm" Keppel, Colonel of HIS Majesty's 56th" Regiment of Foot, and MAJOR GENL. ON THE Expedition under the Command of the Right Honble" the Earl of Albemarle, "this PERSPECTIVE VIEW of Entring THE BREACH of the MORO CASTLE, BY STORM the 30th" of JULY 1762, between the Hours of 1 and 2 in the AFTERNOON, ALFO a View of HIS Majesty's Ship Alcide, & a Number of Flat Boats mann'd & arm'd; Is most humbly Infcribed by his most devoted humble servant, Philip Orsbridge. Drawn on the Spot design'd and publd. as the Act directs.
To the Honble" Willm" Keppel, Colonel of HIS Majesty's 56th" Regiment of Foot, and MAJOR GENL. ON THE Expedition under the Command of the Right Honble" the Earl of Albemarle, "this PERSPECTIVE VIEW of Entring THE BREACH of the MORO CASTLE, BY STORM the 30th" of JULY 1762, between the Hours of 1 and 2 in the AFTERNOON, ALFO a View of HIS Majesty's Ship Alcide, & a Number of Flat Boats mann'd & arm'd; Is most humbly Infcribed by his most devoted humble servant, Philip Orsbridge. Drawn on the Spot design'd and publd. as the Act directs.
Imagen de la toma de La Habana por los ingleses. Se observan embarcaciones de vela, botes, proyectiles y el asalto al Morro. Se observa la explosión de una mina bajo el ángulo norte del Castillo.
Plancha 9. El 12 de abril de 1764 se anunció en Londres la salida de la primera colección, completada con una última entrega, el 21 de mayo de 1765. Se asume que la colección nuestra mayormente es de 1765.
Grabado en metal, iluminado
Serres, Dominic
Canot, Pierre Charles