To Geo"Aug"tus Elliot Esq"r Majr. Gen', of His Majesty's Army, Colonel of Light Horsel and second in command, on the Glorious Expedition againft the Havannah, in the year 1762; THIS PERSPECTIVE VIEW of His Majesty's LAND FORCES going in Flat Boats to take POSSESSION OF THE NORTH GATE of the CITY and PUNTO CASTLE, on the 14 of August, ALSO two sloops of WAR, afsisting to open the BOOMS: Is most humbly Inscribed. By his devoted humble Servant, Philip Orsbridge. Drawn at the spot design'd and publish'd as the Act directs
To Geo"Aug"tus Elliot Esq"r Majr. Gen', of His Majesty's Army, Colonel of Light Horsel and second in command, on the Glorious Expedition againft the Havannah, in the year 1762; THIS PERSPECTIVE VIEW of His Majesty's LAND FORCES going in Flat Boats to take POSSESSION OF THE NORTH GATE of the CITY and PUNTO CASTLE, on the 14 of August, ALSO two sloops of WAR, afsisting to open the BOOMS: Is most humbly Inscribed. By his devoted humble Servant, Philip Orsbridge. Drawn at the spot design'd and publish'd as the Act directs
Imagen de la toma de La Habana por los ingleses. Evoca la rendición de la plaza, se observa la bandera inglesa ondeando en el Morro, la torre de la farola medio derruida, se divisa la arboladura de tres navíos hundidos. Las murallas y los techos del Castillo de la Punta muestran los efectos de las balas de cañones ingleses.
Plancha 11. El 12 de abril de 1764 se anunció en Londres la salida de la primera colección, completada con una última entrega, el 21 de mayo de 1765. Se asume que la colección nuestra mayormente es de 1765.
Grabado en metal, iluminado
Serres, Dominic
Mason, James